• The New York Arbitration Convention

    on the Recognition and Enforcement of
    Foreign Arbitral Awards, New York, 10 June 1958

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  • The New York Arbitration Convention

    on the Recognition and Enforcement of
    Foreign Arbitral Awards, New York, 10 June 1958

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  • The New York Arbitration Convention

    on the Recognition and Enforcement of
    Foreign Arbitral Awards, New York, 10 June 1958

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  • The New York Arbitration Convention

    on the Recognition and Enforcement of
    Foreign Arbitral Awards, New York, 10 June 1958

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New York Conference 1958: Session Records

Session record nr.

link to session file (PDF)


1st meeting

E/CONF.26/SR.1 - Opening of the Conference, adoption of the agenda, adoption of the rules of procedure


2nd meeting

E/CONF.26/SR.2 - Adoption of the rules of procedure (continued), consideration of the draft Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (E/2704 and Corr.1, E/2822 and Add. 1 to 6, E/CONF.26/2. 26/3 and Add.1, 26/4)


3rd meeting

E/CONF.26/SR.3 - E/2704 and Corr.1, E/2822 and Add.1 to 6, E/CONF.26/2, 26/3 and Ad.1, 26/4, 26/7


4th meeting

E/CONF.26/SR.4 - E/2704 and Corr.1, E/CONF.26/2, E/CONF.26/3 and Add.1, E/CONF.26/7


5th meeting

E/CONF.26/SR.5 - E/2704 and Corr.1, E/2822 and Add.1 to 6, E/CONF.26/2, 26/3 and Add.1, 26/4, 26/7, E/CONF.26/L.6 and L.9


6th meeting

E/CONF.26/SR.6 - E/2704 and Corr.1, E/2822 and Add.1 to 6, E/CONF.26/2, 26/3 and Add.1, 26/4, 26/7, E/CONF.26/L.6 to L.12


7th meeting

E/CONF.26/SR.7 - E/2704 and Corr.1, E/2822 and Add.1 to 6, E/CONF.26/2, 26/3 and Add.1, 26/4, 26/7, E/CONF.26/L.6 to 13


8th meeting

E/CONF.26/SR.8 - E/2704 and Corr.1, E/CONF.26/L.10


9th meeting

E/CONF.26/SR.9 - E/2704 and Corr. 1, E/2822 and Add.1 to 6, E/CONF.26/2, 26/3 and Add.1, 26/4, 26/7, E/CONF.26/L.7, L.8, L.12. L.14, L.16


10th meeting

E/CONF.26/SR.10 -E/2704 and Corr.1, E/CONF.26/2, E/COPNF.26/L.11 and L.21


11th meeting

E/CONF.26/SR.11 - E/2704/Rev.1, E/2822 and Add.1-6, E/CONF.26/2, 6/3 and Add.1, 26/4, 26/7, E/CONF.26/L.6-L.31


12th meeting

E/CONF.26/SR.12 - E/2704 and Corr.1, E/CONF.26/7, E/CONF.26/L.8 and Corr.1, L.15/Rev.1, L.16, L.19, L.22, L.31 to L.34


13th meeting

E/CONF.26/SR.13 - E/2704 and Corr. 1, E/2822 and Add.1 to 6, E/CONF.26/2, 26/3 and Add.1, 26/4, 26/7, E/CONF.26/L.8 and Corr.1, L.15/Rev.1, L.16, L.17, L.22 to L.25, L.30 to L.36


14th meeting

E/CONF.26/SR.14 - E/2704 and Corr.1, E/2822, E/CONF.26/L.17, L.31, L.33/Rev.1, L.34. L.38 and L.40


15th meeting

E/CONF.26/SR.15 - E/2704 and Corr.1, E/2822 and Add.1 to 6, E/CONF.26/2, 3 and Add.1, 4, 7, E/CONF.26/L.7, L.12, L.14, L.26 to L.29, L.41, L.42


16th meeting

E/CONF.26/SR.16 - E/2704 and Corr.1, E/2822 and Add. 1-6, E/CONF.26/2, 26/3 and Add.1, 26/4, 26/7, E/CONF.26/L.10/Rev.1, L.12, L.13, L.41, L.42


17th meeting

E/CONF.26/SR.17 - E/2704 and Corr.1, E/CONF.26/L.31, L.37/Rev.1, L.43 and L.45


18th meeting

E/CONF.26/SR.18 - E/2704 and Corr.1, E/2822 and Add.1 to 6, E/CONF.26/2, 26/3 and Add.1, 26/4, 26/7, E/CONF.26/L.16, L.23, L.44


19th meeting

E/CONF.26/SR.19 - E/2704 and Corr.1 and Add.1 to 6, E/CONF.26/2, 26/3 and Add.1, 26/4, 26/7, E/CONF.26/L.16, L.28 and L.44


20th meeting

E/CONF.26/SR20 - E/2704 and Corr.1, E/2822 and Add.1 to 6,, E/CONF.26/2, E/CONF.26/3 and Add.1, E/CONF.26/4, E/CONF.26/7, E/CONF.26/L.16, L.28, L.49 and L.52


21st meeting

E/CONF.26/SR.21 - E/2704 and Corr.1, E/2822 and Add.1 to 6, E/CONF.26/2, 3 and Add.1, E/CONF.26/4, 7, E/CONF.26/L.16, L.28, L.49, L.52, L.55, L.56


22nd meeting

E/CONF.26/SR22 - E/CONF.26/4 and 26/6, E/CONF.26/L.60


23rd meeting

E/CONF.26/SR.23 - E/CONF.26/L.60; Adoption and signature of the Final Act and Convention (E/CONF.26/8, 9, E/CONF.26/L.28, L.49, L.58, L.61)


24th meeting

E/CONF.26/SR.24 - Adoption and signature of the Final Act and Convention (E/CONF.26/8 and 9, E/CONF.26/L.63), Report of the Credentials Committee (E/CONF.26/10)


25th meeting

E/CONF.26/SR.25 - Signature of the Final Act and the Convention; Completion of work